Source code for gillcup.actions

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"""Gillcup Actions

Although arbitrary callables can be scheduled on a Gillcup
:class:`~gillcup.Clock`, one frequently schedules objects that are specifically
made for this purpose.
Using :class:`gillcup.Action` allows one to chain actions together in various
ways, allowing the developer to create complex effects.

from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, print_function

import numbers
import functools

from six import callable  # pylint: disable=W0622

[docs]class Action(object): """A chainable “event” designed for being scheduled. As any callable, an Action can be scheduled on a clock, either by :meth:`~gillcup.Clock.schedule()`, or by chaining, or, as a shortcut, directly from the constructor with the `clock` and `dt` arguments. Each Action may only be scheduled *once*. Other actions may be chained to an Action, that is, scheduled to run at some time after the Action is run. Some Actions may represent a time interval or process rather than a discrete point in time. In these cases, chained actions are run after the interval is over or the process finishes. Actions may be combined to form larger structures using :ref:`helper Action subclasses <action-building-blocks>` as building blocks. As a shorthand, the following operators are available: * ``+`` creates a :class:`~gillcup.actions.Sequence` of actions; one is run after the other. * ``|`` creates a :class:`~gillcup.actions.Parallel` construct: all actions are started at once. The ``chain()`` method and operators can be used with Actions, or regular callables (which are wrapped in :class:`~gillcup.actions.FunctionCaller`), or with numbers (which create corresponding :class:`delays <gillcup.actions.Delay>`), or with iterables (which get wrapped in :class:`~gillcup.actions.Process`), or with None (which coerces into a no-op Action). """ # The states an Animation goes through are: # - unscheduled (self.clock is unset) # - scheduled # - in progress (self.expired == True) # - done (self.chain_triggered == True) scheduled_time = None def __init__(self, clock=None, dt=0): super(Action, self).__init__() # Set to True once the Action runs self.expired = False # Set to True once chained actions are scheduled self.chain_triggered = False # The chained actions self._chain = [] # The clock self.clock = None if clock: clock.schedule(self, dt) elif dt != 0: # We're not scheduling yet, so dt would be ignored raise ValueError('dt specified without a clock')
[docs] def chain(self, action, dt=0): """Schedule an action to be scheduled after this Action The ``action`` argument may be a callable, number, or None, and is wrapped by an Action if necessary. See ``__init__`` for more details. The ``dt`` argument can be given to delay the chained action by the specified time. If this Action has already been called, the chained action is scheduled immediately `dt` units after the current time. To prevent or modify this behavior, the caller can check the :attr:`~gillcup.Action.chain_triggered` attribute. Returns the chained action. """ action = self.coerce(action) return self.chain_callable(action, dt=dt)
def chain_callable(self, action, dt=0): """Chain an arbitrary callable to be scheduled after this Action This is the same as ``chain()``, except the argument is not coerced. """ if self.chain_triggered: self.clock.schedule(action, dt) else: self._chain.append((action, dt)) return action @classmethod
[docs] def coerce(cls, value): """Coerce value into an action. Wraps functions in FunctionCallers, numbers in Delays, and None in a no-op. """ if isinstance(value, Action): return value elif value is None: return Action() elif callable(value): return FunctionCaller(value) elif isinstance(value, numbers.Real): return Delay(value) else: try: iterator = iter(value) except TypeError: raise ValueError("%s can't be coerced into Action" % value) else: return Process(iterator)
[docs] def __call__(self): """Run this action. Subclasses that represent discrete moments in time should call the superclass implementation when they are finished running. Subclasses that represent time intervals (there's a delay between the moment they are called and when they trigger chained actions) should call :meth:`~gillcup.Action.expire` when they are called, and :meth:`~gillcup.Action.trigger_chain` when they're done. """ self.expire() self.trigger_chain()
[docs] def expire(self): """Marks the Action as run. Subclasses must call this method at the start of :meth:`~gillcup.Action.__call__`. """ if self.expired: raise RuntimeError('%s was run twice' % self) self.expired = True
[docs] def trigger_chain(self): """Schedule the chained actions. Subclasses must call this method after the Action runs; see :meth:`~gillcup.Action.__call__`. """ self.chain_triggered = True for dt, chained in self._chain: self.clock.schedule(dt, chained) self._chain = []
def schedule_callback(self, clock, time): """Called from a clock when this Action is scheduled""" if self.clock: raise RuntimeError('%s was scheduled twice' % self) self.clock = clock self.scheduled_time = time def __add__(self, other): try: other = self.coerce(other) except ValueError: return NotImplemented return Sequence(self, other) def __radd__(self, other): try: other = self.coerce(other) except ValueError: return NotImplemented return Sequence(other, self) def __or__(self, other): try: other = self.coerce(other) except ValueError: return NotImplemented return Parallel(self, other) def __ror__(self, other): try: other = self.coerce(other) except ValueError: return NotImplemented return Parallel(other, self)
class ManualAction(Action): """An action doesn't end until trigger_chain is called manually """ def __call__(self): self.expire()
[docs]class FunctionCaller(Action): """An Action that calls given `function`, passing `args` and `kwargs` to it `function` can be any callable. """ def __init__(self, function, *args, **kwargs): super(FunctionCaller, self).__init__() self.function = function self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self): self.function(*self.args, **self.kwargs) super(FunctionCaller, self).__call__()
[docs]class Delay(Action): """An Action that triggers chained actions after a given delay The `kwargs` are passed to :class:`gillcup.Action`'s initializer. """ def __init__(self, time, **kwargs): super(Delay, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.time = time def __call__(self): self.expire() self.clock.schedule(self.trigger_chain, self.time)
[docs]class Sequence(Action): """An Action that runs a series of Actions one after the other Actions chained to a Sequence are triggered after the last Action in the sequence. The `kwargs` are passed to :class:`gillcup.Action`'s initializer. """ def __init__(self, *actions, **kwargs): super(Sequence, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.remaining_actions = list(actions) self.remaining_actions.reverse() def __call__(self): self.expire() self._call_next() def _call_next(self): try: action = self.remaining_actions.pop() except IndexError: self.trigger_chain() else: action.chain(self._call_next) self.clock.schedule(action) # XXX: Overload __add__, __radd__?
[docs]class Parallel(Action): """Starts the given Actions, and triggers chained ones after all are done That is, after all the given actions have triggered their chained actions, Parallel triggers its own chained actions. The `kwargs` are passed to :class:`gillcup.Action`'s initializer. """ def __init__(self, *actions, **kwargs): self.remaining_actions = actions super(Parallel, self).__init__(**kwargs) def __call__(self): self.expire() for action in self.remaining_actions: def _triggered(action=action): self._triggered(action) action.chain(_triggered) self.clock.schedule(action) self.remaining_actions = set(self.remaining_actions) def _triggered(self, action): self.remaining_actions.remove(action) if not self.remaining_actions: self.trigger_chain() # XXX: Overload __or__, __ror__?
[docs]class Process(Action): """Wraps the given iterable When triggered, takes an item from the iterable and schedules it, then chains the scheduling of the next item, and so on. When the underlying iterator is exhausted, chained actions are run. The items in the underlying iterable can be callables, numbers or other iterables, as for :class:`~gillcup.actions.Action`'s ``+`` and ``|`` operators. The `kwargs` are passed to :class:`gillcup.Action`'s initializer. See :func:`process_generator` for a simple way to create Processes. """ def __init__(self, iterable, **kwargs): self.iterator = iter(iterable) self.next_action = None super(Process, self).__init__(**kwargs) def __call__(self): self.expire() self.do_next() def do_next(self): """Schedule the next thing from the iterable""" try: try: send = self.iterator.send except AttributeError: value = next(self.iterator) else: value = send(self.next_action) except StopIteration: self.trigger_chain() else: action = self.next_action = self.coerce(value) action.chain(self.do_next) self.clock.schedule(action)
[docs]def process_generator(func): """Decorator for creating :class:`~gillcup.actions.Process`\\ es Used as a decorator on a generator function, it allows writing in a declarative style instead of callbacks, with ``yield`` statements for "asynchronousness". """ @functools.wraps(func) def _f(*args, **kwargs): return Process(func(*args, **kwargs)) return _f