Source code for

import operator
import functools
from contextlib import contextmanager

def extend_tuple(args, default=0):
[docs] """Extend the given tuple to a triple, padding by the given value """ try: x, y, z = args except StandardError: try: x, y = args z = default except StandardError: try: x, = args except StandardError: x = args y = z = default return x, y, z def extend_tuple_copy(args):
[docs] """Extend the given tuple to a triple, copying the last value """ try: x, y, z = args except StandardError: try: x, y = args z = y except StandardError: try: x, = args except StandardError: x = args y = z = x return x, y, z @contextmanager
def nullContextManager(*args, **kwargs):
[docs] """A context manager that does nothing """ yield def tuple_multiply(*tuples):
return tuple(functools.reduce(operator.mul, items) for items in zip(*tuples))

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