Source code for gillcup.animatedobject

from gillcup.action import EffectAction

class AnimatedObject(object):
[docs] """An objects whose attributes can be animated Animated attribute must be instance (not class) attribute in order to work. Every animated attribute must be assigned a normal value before it can be animated. Usually this is done in the constructor. Each AnimatedObject needs a timer to animate. This can be either through an argument to the animate method, or in an instance attribute. The constructor takes a timer value to set the instance attribute to. """ def __init__(self, timer=None): super(AnimatedObject, self).__init__() self._anim_data_ = {} self.timer = timer def _animate(self, attribute, animation): """Animate the given attribute by the given animation animation can be any object with a getValue method; but an Effect works best. """ try: oldValue = self.__dict__[attribute] del self.__dict__[attribute] except KeyError: old = self._anim_data_[attribute] else: old = _Constant(oldValue) self._anim_data_[attribute] = animation return old def __getattr__(self, attr): try: effect = self._anim_data_[attr] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(attr) except RuntimeError: # Probably _anim_data_ doesn't exist => infinite recursion raise RuntimeError( 'Runtime error while getting attribute %s. ' 'Likely the base __init__ method was not called' % attr ) return effect.getValue() def _replace_effect(self, attribute, oldEffect, newEffect): """ Replace the given effct by a new effect """ try: currentEffect = self._anim_data_[attribute] except KeyError: return False else: if currentEffect is oldEffect: if getattr(newEffect, '_is_constant', False): del self._anim_data_[attribute] setattr(self, attribute, newEffect.getValue()) else: self._anim_data_[attribute] = newEffect return True else: try: replaceMethod = currentEffect._replace_effect_ except AttributeError: return False else: return replaceMethod(oldEffect, newEffect) def _dump_effects(self, indentLevel=0): for attr, effect in self._anim_data_.items(): print ' ' * indentLevel + '.' + attr + ':' + str(getattr(self, attr)) try: dump = effect.dump except AttributeError: print ' ' * (indentLevel + 1) + str(effect) else: effect.dump(indentLevel + 1) def animate(self, attribute, value, dt=0, timer=None, **options):
[docs] """Animate the given attribute Calls self.apply(self.animation(...), dt=dt). Returns the resulting Action. """ anim = self.animation(attribute, value, **options) return self.apply(anim, dt=dt, timer=timer) def animation(self, attribute, value, **options):
[docs] """Return an animation Action for the given attribute. When this Action is run, the given attribute will be gradually set to the new value. The style of the animation is given by options. See :py:func:`gillcup.effect.animation` for what options are available. """ from gillcup.effect import animation return animation(self, attribute, value, **options) def apply(self, action, dt=0, timer=None):
[docs] """Schedule action on this object's timer dt is the time in which the Action is to be executed (measured from the timer's current time). timer can be given to specify the timer to use; if None, self's timer will be used """ timer = timer or self.timer return timer.schedule(dt, action) def dynamicAttributeSetter(self, attribute, getter):
[docs] """Returns an Action to set an attribute getter After the returned Action runs, the given getter function will be used to provide values for the given attribute. """ return EffectAction(_GetterObject(getter), self, attribute) def setDynamicAttribute(self, attribute, getter, dt=0, timer=None):
[docs] """Set a getter for an attribute If dt==0, sets getter as the attribute getter for the given attribute. Otherwise, calls self.apply(self.dynamicAttributeSetter(attribute, getter), dt=dt). """ from gillcup import effect if not dt: self._animate(attribute, effect.GetterObject(getter)) else: setter = self.dynamicAttributeSetter(attribute, getter) self.apply(setter, dt, timer) class _Constant(object):
_is_constant = True def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def getValue(self): return self.value def dump(self, indentationLevel): o = str(self.value) print ' ' * indentationLevel + type(self).__name__ + ': ' + o

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